Are you looking for fun and engaging math and literacy centers for March? This pack includes 5 math and 5 literacy centers that your kindergarten students will love. Each center has a worksheet or recording page to go along with it.
March Kindergarten Math and Literacy Centers
Beginning Blends Link- Say each beginning blend. Use linking shapes to link the 3 pictures that begin with that blend.
Feed Me Sight Words- Read and feed each sight word. Write the word on the recording page. Fry's first 100 words are included, as well as a blank page to write your own words.
Number Clip to 20- Identify each number (1-20). Find the various ways the number is represented (ten frame, tally marks, counting pictures). Use clothespins to clip the numbers on the correct number strip.
Digraph Smash- Say each digraph. Smash a play dough ball over the gold coins that have a picture with that digraph.
Missing Numbers to 100- There are 3 game boards to choose from. Pick a game board and corresponding recording page. Identify the missing numbers on the 100's chart. Write the missing numbers on the recording page.
Build a Number- Pick a number card (1-20). Use counters to show 3 ways to represent the number. Write the addition sentence.
Spin and Cover Base 10- This is a 2-player game. Take turns spinning the spinner, and identifying the number represented with base 10 blocks. Cover the matching number on your side of the game board. The first player to cover all of their numbers, wins.
CVC Word Ladders- Read each CVC word. Build the word with magnetic letters.
Subtracting Gold- There are 2 options: subtracting from 10 or 20. Pick a game board and place 10 or 20 counters on the board. Flip a playing card, and subtract that many counters. Write and solve the subtraction problem.
Lucky Blends- This is a 2-player game. Take turns reading words with beginning blends. If the word is read correctly, move to the corresponding image on the game board. The first player to the finish line, wins.
March Kindergarten Math and Literacy Centers