April Kindergarten Math and Literacy Centers

Monday, March 17, 2025

Are you looking for fun and engaging math and literacy centers for April? This pack includes 5 math and 5 literacy centers that your kindergarten students will love. Each center has a worksheet or recording page to go along with it.

Earth Day Kindergarten Math and Literacy Centers 

CVCe Dominoes- Read each CVCe word and build the domino chain.

Build a Word Beginning Blends- Use the word wheel to build words with each beginning blend.

Digraph Sort- Say each picture by beginning digraph.

Onset and Rime- Identify each picture. Pick the correct rime for each CVC word. Clip the correct rime, or smash a play dough ball over it. Then, write the word with dry erase marker.

Make 10- Use counters and the pictures provided to make 10. Write the addition sentence with dry erase marker.

Recycling Measurement
- Use the recycling ruler to measure each object. Write the length on the recording page.

Earth Day Subtraction- There are 4 playing mats to use. Use counters and the pictures provided to solve each subtraction problem. Each playing mat includes a recording page.

Skip Counting Link- Practice skip counting by 2's, 5's, or 10's as you use linking shapes to link together the correct number sequence.

What's Missing?- Identify each missing number on the number line. Write it on the recording page. This works well as a hunt the room activity.

Ending Blend Smash- Read each word with an ending blend. Smash a play dough ball over the correct picture.

April Literacy Games for PreK and Kindergarten

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

  Do your students love to play games? These 7 literacy games are perfect for April literacy centers, morning tubs, or for early finishers.

April Literacy Games for PreK and Kindergarten 

Read and Write Letters, CVC Words, or Ending Blends

Flip and Read CVC Words or Letters

Beginning Sound BUMP

3 In a Row Beginning Sounds or CVC Words 

Eggcellent Ending Sounds

Syllable Count 

Roll and Read Letters, CVC Words, or CVCe Words 

April Literacy Games for PreK and Kindergarten 

For more learning ideas, follow us on Instagram @michele_dillon

Easter Preschool Print and Play

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Are you looking for no prep activities for your preschool class? These Easter print and play activities are perfect when you are looking for a simple activity for your class. There are 20 activities included.

These are not your typical worksheets. Pair each page with scissors, alphabet stickers, dot stickers, alphabet stamps, paint, and dot markers to keep your students engaged and learning.

There are math, letters, beginning sound, writing and fine motor activities included. 

Easter Preschool Print and Play

Bunny Number Order- Cut and paste the numbers in numerical order.

Bunny Name Craft- Write each child's name on the bunnies. Cut and paste to spell each name.

Egg Patterns- Cut and paste the colorful eggs to create a pattern.

Cut a Picture- Practice scissor skills as you cut each picture along the lines. 

Easter Egg Count and Compare- Dip your finger in ink or paint to make 'eggs' in each column. Compare numbers.

Roll and Count Eggs in the Basket-  Roll a dice. Count and dot eggs into the basket.

Poke It- Use a push pin to poke each letter.

Easter Hole Punching- Use a hole punch to punch each circle. 

Dot a Letter- Use dot markers to dot each letter.

Easter Preschool Print and Play

For more preschool ideas, follow along on Instagram @michele_dillon

March Literacy Games for PreK and Kindergarten

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

 Do your students love to play games? These 7 literacy games are perfect for March literacy centers, morning tubs, or for early finishers.

March Literacy Games for PreK and Kindergarten 

Read and Write Lowercase Letters and CVC Words 

Roll and Read Letters and CVC Words 

Rhyming BUMP

Flip and Read Letters and CVC Words 

Syllable Spin

3 in a Row- Beginning Sounds and CVC Words 

Spin and Race Beginning Sounds 

March Literacy Games for PreK and Kindergarten 

For more learning ideas, follow us on Instagram @michele_dillon

March Kindergarten Math and Literacy Centers

Monday, February 24, 2025

  Are you looking for fun and engaging math and literacy centers for March? This pack includes 5 math and 5 literacy centers that your kindergarten students will love. Each center has a worksheet or recording page to go along with it.

March Kindergarten Math and Literacy Centers 

Beginning Blends Link- Say each beginning blend. Use linking shapes to link the 3 pictures that begin with that blend.

 Feed Me Sight Words- Read and feed each sight word. Write the word on the recording page. Fry's first 100 words are included, as well as a blank page to write your own words.

Number Clip to 20- Identify each number (1-20). Find the various ways the number is represented (ten frame, tally marks, counting pictures). Use clothespins to clip the numbers on the correct number strip.


 Digraph Smash- Say each digraph. Smash a play dough ball over the gold coins that have a picture with that digraph.

 Missing Numbers to 100- There are 3 game boards to choose from. Pick a game board and corresponding recording page. Identify the missing numbers on the 100's chart. Write the missing numbers on the recording page.

 Build a Number- Pick a number card (1-20). Use counters to show 3 ways to represent the number. Write the addition sentence.

Spin and Cover Base 10- This is a 2-player game. Take turns spinning the spinner, and identifying the number represented with base 10 blocks. Cover the matching number on your side of the game board. The first player to cover all of their numbers, wins.


 CVC Word Ladders- Read each CVC word. Build the word with magnetic letters.

 Subtracting Gold- There are 2 options: subtracting from 10 or 20. Pick a game board and place 10 or 20 counters on the board. Flip a playing card, and subtract that many counters. Write and solve the subtraction problem.

Lucky Blends- This is a 2-player game. Take turns reading words with beginning blends. If the word is read correctly, move to the corresponding image on the game board. The first player to the finish line, wins.

March Kindergarten Math and Literacy Centers 

Kite Day Preschool Book Companion

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

 Kite Day  Preschool Book Companion

If you are looking for a cute read aloud for spring, check out Kite Day. These centers and activities go along perfectly with the story, or for spring themed activities.

Kite Day Preschool Book Companion 

Here is a look inside the pack. There are 5 colored centers, 5 print and play activities, and 3 pages to practice letter K. 

Fine Motor Kite Sort- Use tongs and pom poms to sort by color. 

Count and Lace- Count and lace beads onto pipe cleaners. Numbers 1-20 are included. 

Count it, Build it, Write it- Count the bows on each ten frame. Build the number with cubes. Then write the number with dry erase marker.

Trace the Kite- Practice pre-writing skills as you trace each pattern on the kites.

Kite Name Craft- Have students practice writing their names as they complete this name craft.

Kite Link- Use linking shapes to link together uppercase letter, lowercase letter, and a picture with the beginning sound.

Alphabet Stamp- Roll a play dough ball next to each letter. Stamp an alphabet stamp next to the matching letter.

Alphabet Kite- Call out a letter. Spot it, and dot it with dot markers or dot stickers. 

Windy Day Cut and Paste - Snip the windy day pictures and glue them into the scene.

Kite Tracing Paths- Trace each line with dry erase marker. 

For more ideas, follow us on Instagram @michele_dillon

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