Pet Preschool Pack
Here is a look inside the pack!
Cat CVC Words- Spell each CVC word with letter beads or tiles.
Feed the Dog- Letters or Sight Words
Turtle Tank Letters- Math the uppercase and lowercase letters.
Dog Tag Fine Motor Counting- Count and lace beads onto each dog tag.
Fish Bowl Letter Sort- Sort letters into each fish bowl.
Goldfish Measurement- Use goldfish crackers, or cubes to measure each picture.
Turtle Shape Graphing- Decorate a turtle with various shapes. Graph the shapes that were used.
Bird Seed Writing Tray- Write each letter in a writing tray of bird seed.
Dog Bowl Letters- Fill a dog bowl with letters! Find each letter and trace it on the recording sheet.
Clip a Sound- Clip the pictures with the correct beginning sound on each collar.
Pet Shop- I Spy Numbers- Find each number hidden in the picture. Trace the number on the recording page.
Pet Food Counting- Pick a counting card. Count and scoop to feed each pet.
Pet Preschool Pack
Pet Mini Erasers- We use mini erasers for SO many things (patterning, sorting, counting). This time, we counted pets into each dog house.
Bubble Printed Fish Tanks- First, we painted the fish tank blue. Then, we painted bubble wrap. We printed each fish, cut them out, and placed them in the fish tank!
Be sure to follow along with us on Instagram @michele_dillon
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