Healthy Habits Preschool Theme

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Teaching preschoolers about healthy habits can be a lot of fun! This pack is full of hands on math, literacy, and writing centers for a healthy habits theme.

Healthy Habits Preschool Theme

Germ Letter Match- Match letter tiles to each germ letter.

Germ Writing Tray- Write each letter in a salt tray.

Germ Color Sort- Use pom poms and tweezers to sort by color.

Tissue Letters - Use tissue paper and glue to build each letter.

Soapy Letters- Use gems as a sensory bin filler. Pull a soap picture and identify the beginning sound. Trace the beginning sound on the recording page.

Roll and Count Germs- Roll a dice and count germs onto the playing mat.

Germ Mazes- Take each germ to the sink by tracing the maze.

Germ Ten Frames- Use play dough to build each number and count the germs on the ten frame.

Germ Count and Trace- Pull a counting card, trace the number on the recording page.

Germ Patterns- Use pom poms to create and extend each pattern.

Tracing Lines- Use dry erase marker to trace each line.

Ten Frame Germs- Pick a ten frame card. Count the germs and build the number on the playing mat.

Wash a Number- Write numbers on the hands with dry erase marker. Pick a tally mark card, 'wash' the number off of the hands.

Flip and Pop- Pick a letter card. Say the the letter and smash a play dough ball on top of that bubble.

For more preschool learning ideas, follow us on Instagram @michele_dillon

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