April Preschool Number Mats

Monday, March 4, 2024

  April Preschool Number Mats 

Are you looking for low prep math activities for spring? These April Preschool Number Mats are just one page, so easy prep and are perfect for small groups or centers. 

April Preschool Math Mats 

Spin and Cover- Spin the spinner. Cover the Earth that shows each number.

Spring Build It- Build each number with cubes.

Count It-  Count the amount of carrots. Write the number with dry erase marker, or place a number tile next to each picture. 

Roll and Cover- Roll a dice. Cover the corresponding number.

One More, One Less- Write the numbers that are one more, and one less. Use the number line for support.

Earth Day Numbers- Spin the spinner. Move that many spaces. Identify the number you land on.

Ten Frame Build It- Build each number in the ten frame. 

April Preschool Math Mats 

For more preschool ideas, follow us on Instagram @michele_dillon

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