Rainforest Preschool Circle Time

Friday, March 8, 2024

Rainforest Preschool Circle Time 

Rainforest preschool circle time has 5 mini lessons to go along with a read aloud, 5 -songs/chants to practice skills, wiggle sticks, and questions of the day.

Ten Little Tree Frogs- Say the chant as a class, and point to each number of frog.

Rainforest Syllables-  Say the chant as a class. Say the animal name, and count the syllables in each word. 

Hungry Snake- Say the rhyme as a class. Say each letter, and feed it to the snake. 

Question of the Day- There are 5,  rainforest themed, questions of the day to use during circle time.

Rainforest Hunt - Learn the names of rainforest animals. Go on a hunt around the classroom to find each rainforest animal. Cross it off the recording page. 

Rainforest Layers-  Learn about the layers of the rainforest and the animals that live in each layer. 

Rainforest Counting-
 Count and link shapes onto the leaf counting cards. Then, find and count each animal in the picture. 

For preschool ideas, follow us on Instagram @michele_dillon

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