Easter Preschool Print and Play

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Are you looking for no prep activities for your preschool class? These Easter print and play activities are perfect when you are looking for a simple activity for your class. There are 20 activities included.

These are not your typical worksheets. Pair each page with scissors, alphabet stickers, dot stickers, alphabet stamps, paint, and dot markers to keep your students engaged and learning.

There are math, letters, beginning sound, writing and fine motor activities included. 

Easter Preschool Print and Play

Bunny Number Order- Cut and paste the numbers in numerical order.

Bunny Name Craft- Write each child's name on the bunnies. Cut and paste to spell each name.

Egg Patterns- Cut and paste the colorful eggs to create a pattern.

Cut a Picture- Practice scissor skills as you cut each picture along the lines. 

Easter Egg Count and Compare- Dip your finger in ink or paint to make 'eggs' in each column. Compare numbers.

Roll and Count Eggs in the Basket-  Roll a dice. Count and dot eggs into the basket.

Poke It- Use a push pin to poke each letter.

Easter Hole Punching- Use a hole punch to punch each circle. 

Dot a Letter- Use dot markers to dot each letter.

Easter Preschool Print and Play

For more preschool ideas, follow along on Instagram @michele_dillon

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