Birds Preschool Theme

Saturday, February 15, 2020
As we get closer to spring, there are so many fun themes for preschoolers! Here is a look inside my Birds Preschool Pack! You can grab this on TPT!

Birds Preschool Pack 

Count and Clip- Count the eggs in each nest and clip the correct number.

 Shape Link- Link together the bird and nest of the same shape.

Worm Color Sort- Use a fine motor tool to grab and sort worms.

Worms in the Mud Sensory Play- My boys love Oobleck (cornstarch and water). We added cocoa to make it brown, and threw in our worm counters. It was a lots of MESSY fun!

Clip a Rhyme- Clip the card that rhymes.

Tracing Cards- Trace each bird name with dry erase marker.

Flip and Trace Beginning Sounds- Use a sensory bin of feathers and pick a card. Trace the beginning sound.

Eggs in a Nest Counting- This is a super low prep activity. Draw a nest and write a number (or math equation) on each nest. Use dot stickers or dot makers to count eggs into each nest. 

Worm Patterns- Use pom poms to extend each pattern.

Feather Letters- Use feathers to build each letter.

Count and Fill a Nest- Count eggs (or pom poms) into each bird nest.

Tracing Numbers/ Shapes- Make each shape in a writing tray of seed.

Colorful Feathers Sort- Use sorting skills to sort feathers by color.

Bird Themed Sensory Play- We love a good sensory bin. My oldest son, made this one for my youngest. We used little nests and eggs from Hobby Lobby, split peas as the base, wooden log blocks, and our Safari Toob Birds. This bin was such a hit! 

Nest Craft- We tore brown paper to build a nest. Then, we bubble printed eggs. We first painted a piece of bubble wrap. Then we printed in onto white paper. We cut out the eggs and placed them in the nest.

Feather Painting- Have you ever painted with feathers? I just LOVE how this turned out! 

Here is a fun freebie for you!  Fine Motor Feather Counting

For more preschool fun, follow us on Instagram @michele_dillon

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